Pins & Needles Crafty Club

The Pins & Needles Crafty Club meets every Thursday @ 6:30 p.m. in the Broadview Education Centre (15 Kingsview Blvd., Toront0) until the end of March.  We’re about: knitting, sewing, needlework, crafts and more. There is no fee to join the group. ...

Vision United 2K16

Vision United Summer Camp located at Kipling Collegiate became home to over 80 campers and 20 energetic, creative and dedicated staff. Running from July 4th—August 12, the days were filled with countless fun and exciting activities ranging from simple table games to...

Bless Your Neighbours

I recently watched a YouTube video from the Verge Network that really caught my attention. The presenter, Dave Ferguson, shared a study that followed two teams of missionaries in Thailand for two years. They had two different missional strategies to share the Good...

Vision United Summer Camp

The Vision United summer camp is a partnership with several local churches to run a larger and better resourced day-camp for local children & youth at Kipling Collegiate Institute. It will run Monday to Friday for 6-weeks starting July 4th. With the help of...

Youth News!

Thanks to all the youth who participated in cake and cookie decorating on April 23rd – we raised some money for the youth budget and put a smile on the adults’ faces! Coming up this month: Saturday, May 14th – Cleaning out the old Studio 15 office so we can re-create...