Does congregational feedback from surveys and discussion groups make a difference in church planning and programs?

The answer is, “YES!”

Some of the requests that repeatedly surfaced during the series of Congregational Conversations held earlier this year were for more opportunities for worship, fellowship and interactive Bible study. Those things are all happening this fall on Sunday evenings at 5:00 p.m. with the Alpha Course and Sunday Evening Conversation.

The evening begins with a time of praise and singing led by Jenna Burke, then good food and warm fellowship around tables in the fellowship hall, followed by the Alpha Course and Sunday Conversation.

The Alpha Course includes a video series on the basics of the Christian faith and discussion groups led by Jessica Dotson, Sharon Wade-Taylor, Jonathan Namsoo and Pastor Darrin Lindsay. Sunday Evening Conversation is an interactive Bible study with Pastor Howard Olver following the fall preaching theme, “Serving God Where we Live and Work.”

The topics addressed on Sunday morning are explored in great depth through the Sunday Evening Conversation.

Everyone is welcome to come and learn.